Calender Module

Calender Module

Calender Module

Calender Module

The calendar module in Python provides functions to work with calendars, including displaying calendars for a specific month or year, calculating the weekday for a given date, and determining leap years.

Here are some examples of how to use the calendar module:

  • Import the calendar module:
					import calendar
  • Display the calendar for a specific month and year:
					year = 2023
 month = 3 
print(calendar.month(year, month)) 


This will output a calendar for March 2023.

  • Display the calendar for a specific year:
					year = 2023 


This will output a calendar for the year 2023.

  • Determine if a year is a leap year:
					year = 2024 
is_leap_year = calendar.isleap(year) 


This will output True, since 2024 is a leap year.

  • Determine the weekday for a specific date:
					year = 2023 
month = 3
 day = 24
 weekday = calendar.weekday(year, month, day) 


This will output 4, which corresponds to Friday (Monday is 0, Tuesday is 1, and so on).

  • Determine the number of days in a month:
					year = 2023 
month = 3 
num_days = calendar.monthrange(year, month)[1]


This will output 31, since March 2023 has 31 days.

These are just a few examples of what you can do with the calendar module in Python. There are many more functions available, such as weekday_name, leapdays, yeardays, and more.

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