React Using CSS

There are several ways to style React components using CSS. Here are three common approaches:

  1. Using external CSS files: This is the traditional approach to styling web pages using CSS. You can create a separate CSS file and link it to your HTML file using the <link> In React, you can do the same thing by creating a CSS file and importing it into your component using the import statement. For example:
					import React from 'react';
import './MyComponent.css';

function MyComponent(props) {
  return (
    <div className="my-component">
      {/* component contents here */}

export default MyComponent;


In this example, we’re importing a CSS file called MyComponent.css and using the className attribute to apply the styles to our component.

Using inline styles: React allows you to define styles inline using JavaScript objects. You can create a style object with key-value pairs for each CSS property you want to set, and then apply it to your component using the style attribute. For example:

					import React from 'react';

function MyComponent(props) {
  const styles = {
    backgroundColor: '#f0f0f0',
    color: '#333',
    padding: '10px',
    borderRadius: '5px',

  return (
    <div style={styles}>
      {/* component contents here */}

export default MyComponent;


In this example, we’re defining a styles object with several CSS properties, and then applying it to our component using the style attribute.

  1. Using CSS-in-JS libraries: There are several libraries available for styling React components using JavaScript. These libraries allow you to define styles using JavaScript objects or functions, and then apply them to your components using special components or higher-order components. Some popular CSS-in-JS libraries for React include styled-components, emotion, and CSS modules.

Here’s an example of how to use styled-components to style a React component:

					import React from 'react';

function MyComponent(props) {
  const styles = {
    backgroundColor: '#f0f0f0',
    color: '#333',
    padding: '10px',
    borderRadius: '5px',

  return (
    <div style={styles}>
      {/* component contents here */}

export default MyComponent;


In this example, we’re defining a styled component using the styled function from styled-components. We’re passing a template literal containing our CSS styles, and assigning the result to a variable called StyledDiv. We can then use this variable like any other component in our JSX code.

Overall, there are several ways to style React components using CSS. The approach you choose will depend on your specific needs and preferences.

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