JS Use Strict

JS Use Strict

JS Use Strict


“Use Strict” is a JavaScript directive that enables strict mode in JavaScript code. It is a way to enforce stricter parsing and error handling of JavaScript code, which helps to avoid common mistakes and improve code quality.

When you use the “use strict” directive at the beginning of a JavaScript file or a function, it enables strict mode for the entire file or function, respectively. Strict mode makes several changes to the way JavaScript code is executed:

  1. Variables must be declared before use: In strict mode, you must declare variables before using them.
  2. No implicit global variables: In strict mode, if you forget to declare a variable with the var, let, or const keyword, JavaScript will throw an error instead of creating a new global variable.
  3. Eliminates some silent errors: In strict mode, some errors that would otherwise be ignored or logged as warnings are instead thrown as errors. For example, attempting to delete a variable that cannot be deleted or attempting to assign a value to a read-only property will throw an error.
  4. Restricts function calls: In strict mode, you cannot use call() or apply() to call a function with a context that is not an object. Also, the arguments object behaves differently in strict mode.

Overall, using “use strict” helps to write safer and more secure code, avoid common mistakes, and improve the overall quality of your JavaScript code.

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