ES6 Modules

ES6 Modules are a feature of the ECMAScript 6 specification that provide a standardized way to organize and share code between different JavaScript files. They allow you to define reusable pieces of code in one file and import them into other files that need them. This is useful for creating large-scale applications and libraries, where code organization and reuse is important.

Here are some examples of how to use ES6 modules:

  1. Exporting variables and functions:
					// myModule.js
export const myVar = 'Hello';
export function myFunc() {


In this example, we’re using the export keyword to export a variable (myVar) and a function (myFunc) from the myModule.js file. These can be imported into other files using the import statement.

  1. Importing variables and functions:
					// app.js
import { myVar, myFunc } from './myModule.js';
console.log(myVar); // 'Hello'
myFunc(); // 'World'


In this example, we’re using the import statement to import the myVar variable and myFunc function from the myModule.js file into the app.js file. We can then use these variables and functions in our code.

  1. Renaming imports and exports:
					// myModule.js
const myVar = 'Hello';
function myFunc() {
export { myVar as greeting, myFunc as sayHello };

// app.js
import { greeting, sayHello as sayHi } from './myModule.js';
console.log(greeting); // 'Hello'
sayHi(); // 'World'


In this example, we’re using the as keyword to rename the exported myVar variable to greeting and the exported myFunc function to sayHello. We can then import these renamed variables and functions into the app.js file using the new names.

Overall, ES6 modules provide a powerful way to organize and share code between different JavaScript files, making it easier to create large-scale applications and libraries.

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