Constants and variables are both used to store values in PHP, but they have some important differences.
$x = 10;
$x = 20; // Valid
define("PI", 3.14);
PI = 3.15; // Invalid
define("PI", 3.14);
function calculate_area($radius) {
$area = PI * $radius * $radius;
echo $area;
calculate_area(5); // output: 78.5
3. Naming convention: Constants are conventionally named in uppercase letters, while variables are named in lowercase or camelCase.
define("MAX_SIZE", 1024);
$filename = "example.txt";
$file_size = filesize($filename);
if ($file_size > MAX_SIZE) {
echo "File size exceeds maximum limit";
} else {
// Process the file
In general, it’s a good practice to use constants for values that should not be changed during the execution of a script, and variables for values that can change. This can help make your code more readable and maintainable.
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