In C#, a class is a blueprint or a template that defines the properties and behaviors of an object. An object is an instance of a class, which means that it is a specific realization of the class with its own values for its properties.
For example, let’s say we have a class called “Person” that has properties like “Name”, “Age”, and “Address”. We can create an object of the “Person” class by using the “new” keyword and assigning values to its properties:
Person person1 = new Person();
person1.Name = "John";
person1.Age = 30;
person1.Address = "123 Main St";
In this example, we have created an object named “person1” of the “Person” class. We have assigned values to its properties “Name”, “Age”, and “Address”.
We can also create multiple objects of the same class:
Person person2 = new Person();
person2.Name = "Jane";
person2.Age = 25;
person2.Address = "456 Elm St";
In this case, we have created a second object of the “Person” class named “person2” and assigned values to its properties.
Classes and objects are fundamental concepts in object-oriented programming and provide a powerful way to model and represent real-world entities in code.
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