bool is a built-in value type that represents a Boolean (logical) value. A bool variable can have only two possible values: true or false.
Here’s an example of how to declare and use a bool variable in C#:
bool isMonday = true;
bool isWeekend = false;
if (isMonday)
Console.WriteLine("It's Monday, the start of the week.");
if (!isWeekend)
Console.WriteLine("It's not the weekend yet.");
In the example above, two bool variables, isMonday and isWeekend, are declared and assigned values of true and false, respectively. The if statements test the values of the variables, and print messages to the console based on the results of the tests.
Note that the ! operator in the second if statement is the logical negation operator, which reverses the value of the isWeekend variable. So !isWeekend is equivalent to isWeekend == false
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