Abstraction is a fundamental concept in object-oriented programming that allows us to model complex systems by hiding unnecessary details and exposing only the essential features to the user. Abstraction helps to reduce complexity and improve the maintainability of the code.
In C#, we can achieve abstraction through the use of abstract classes and interfaces.
Abstract Classes: An abstract class is a class that cannot be instantiated and is intended to be sub classed. Abstract classes are used to define a common interface for a group of subclasses, while leaving the implementation details to be defined by the subclasses themselves. Abstract classes can contain both abstract and non-abstract methods. Here’s an example:
public abstract class Animal
public abstract void Eat();
public void Sleep()
Console.WriteLine("Animal is sleeping");
public class Dog : Animal
public override void Eat()
Console.WriteLine("Dog is eating");
In this example, the “Animal” class is an abstract class that contains an abstract method “Eat”, which is intended to be implemented by the subclass. The “Dog” class is a subclass of the “Animal” class and overrides the “Eat” method.
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